Speech-Language Pathology CFY : A Brief Guide

The speech-language pathology clinical fellowship year (CFY) is a 36-week experience where you transition from being a student to being an independent provider of speech-language pathology (SLP) clinical services. The fellowship is required as part of the American Speech and Hearing Association’s (ASHA’s) Certificate of Clinical Competence for Speech-Language Pathologists (CCC-SLP).

Goals of the CFY

Over the course of your fellowship year, you will receive mentoring from a practitioner who has already achieved the CCC-SLP in order to:

  • Integrate knowledge and skills from your academic program into a practice environment.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses as an SLP.
  • Improve your patient care and clinical skills.
  • Transition to working as an independent SLP practitioner from a practitioner requiring supervision.

CFY Requirements

Requirements for the CCC-SLP include:

  • 1,260 hours of supervision. Supervision can be achieved either through full-time (35 hours per week for 36 weeks) or part-time (minimum of 5 hours per week) practice. However, you cannot shorten the 36-week internship by working more than 35 hours per week.
  • A mentor. You must work with a mentor who has already achieved their CCC-SLP and is approved by the ASHA.
  • Clinical practice. At least 80% of your time needs to be in direct patient care. This would include activities such as:
    • Assessment
    • Diagnosis
    • Evaluation and treatment
    • Family conferences
    • Report writing
    • Consultation with clients
    • Counseling
  • An evaluation. Your mentor will need to evaluate your skills prior to completion of your CFY. You must obtain a score of 3 or better on all core skills. You are graded on a 1-to-5 scale, with 5 representing “most effective performance” and 1 representing “least effective performance.” Your mentor will be asked to consider the following when making an assessment of your skills:
    •  Accuracy. How well you perform skills without making errors.
    • Consistency. How well you perform a skill across all the patients you see and treat.
    • Independence. How well you can perform a skill without supervision or assistance.
    • Supervisory guidance. Whether or not you seek consultation when needed.


Areas of assessment include:

  • Ability to implement screening procedures
  • Ability to obtain and record case histories
  • Selecting and implementing appropriate evaluation procedures
  • Adapting interviews and testing to your clients’ needs
  • Interpretation of test results and integration to develop a diagnostic impression
  • Develops appropriate treatment plans
  • Selects appropriate interventions
  • Develops an appropriate plan for monitoring ongoing treatment and progress
  • Adapts treatment plan to meet clients’ needs
  • Maintains appropriate documentation
  • Complying with administrative regulations, such as documentation and prescription
  • Considers third-party regulations (e.g., insurance or Medicare) in making assessment and treatment decisions
  • Demonstrates appropriate communication skills (including verbal, nonverbal, written)
  • Makes appropriate referrals for other services
  • Collaborates with other professionals in the care of their patients


Speech Language Pathology Jobs from All50Medical.com

By Pat F. Bass III, M.D., M.S., M.P.H.


Pat Bass

Pat is a board certified General Internist and Pediatrician He has served as a reviewer for leading national publications including Pediatrics, the Journal of General Internal Medicine and the Annals of Internal Medicine. Pat is also the asthma guide to About.com, a New York Times Company. Learn more about Pat on Google+